Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bell Hook's take on Beyonce

I thought this was really relevant and interesting because we have had alot of discussions on Bell Hooks and Beyonce regarding this exact topic. Is Beyonce in control of her image? and does she understand how some feminists view her as a product of the white male patriarchy? Does she know the subliminal message she is sending to kids? Again, I think she may be in more control of her image than other musicians, though, her mind and what she deems "cool" could be limited to the realm and/or influenced by what she was exposed to as a child, which was the same patriarchal subliminal message she is now sending to kids. I read a blog post recently written by beyonce, about how she has been affected by the feminists' criticism of her lyrics, look, etc. and she was making a real effort to read up on feminist theory the best she could. This just made me think more strongly that she is herself a product of the images of her idols before her, and the fact that she did not go to college where students like us have the cool privlege to debate/learn about feminist theory. I hope she learns more and comes up with an informed opinion, then creates her image freed form the influence of the mistakes of her past idols. What do you all think?


  1. This is really interesting and I think if Beyonce made it public about her trying to pay attention to her lyrics then i think she will try her best.

  2. I think Beyonce is in control of her image. The question is if she has the strength to live a life were she is not conforming to the norm.

  3. I found this article to be extremely fascinating. I think that it is important as a society to take a closer look at practices we have assumed to be based on female empowerment.


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