Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Chastity Bra?

The link provided above discusses the "bra that only unhooks for 'true love.'" Just like it sounds, the True Love Tester bra cannot be unhooked without true love. This was created by a Japanese company, Ravijour, in order to "protect" women from creepy guys while they are out for the night. Apparently, can get this bra to come off...I'm still confused how you get it off when you are wearing it...The bra was built with a sensor that reads a woman's heart-rate. Once a woman's heart-rate reaches a certain speed aka the True Love Rate, the bra unhooks itself automatically...still not sure how that would work if your bra randomly came off during a conversation with an individual.

My issue with this bra is that it is basically the equivalent of a chastity belt, and it also provides individuals with a scapegoat for sexual assault. Apparently this bra comes off based one someone's heart-rate...I doubt it can actually differentiate love from other emotions that one feels. Because of that, if a woman is being sexually assaulted, does that mean if the bra comes off, that automatically means the woman wants to take part in sexual acts? It provides a new excuse for assailants, who could assume, "She wanted it. Her bra popped off." If that is not bad enough, it also puts a lot of the blame on women if they are sexually assaulted and NOT wearing the True Love Tester bra because they did not adequately protect themselves when they went out for the night.

I would like to know what your guys' opinions are on the chastity bra. I think the concept has good intentions associated with it, but I think it will lead to future problems for women who are sexually assaulted while wearing the bra or who are assaulted when NOT wearing the bra. What do you guys think?


  1. This is one of the strangest things that I have ever seen! I am in shock that something like that exists.

  2. I would hate to think what would happen if it malfunctioned and wouldn't come off. Also, I'm assuming the wiring in it is sweat-resistant, or that could be a bit of a health hazard. Good intentions, bad idea...

  3. I think its kind of hilarious, I'm not sure who would buy it, but its a cute idea.


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