Sunday, March 2, 2014

Extra Post: Stand Your Ground Laws in context to Race

I had to do an English project where we had to make an argument and create a video on the topic.
After creating my video, I realized that it is interesting how the ones that are accused are both african american.

After you watched the video, Imagine if the roles were switched. If George Zimmerman was African American and Trayvon Martin was Mexican. Do you think George Zimmerman would be guilty?


Imagine if Marissa Alexander was Caucasian and standing her ground against her abusive husband, would she have 20 years in prison?

Please, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Well obviously the color of someone's skin does not change the law or what actually happened in these situations. However, I would be naive to say that someone's skin can't affect the jury's interpretation of the situation. It is impossible to predict, but sadly I think these cases could have been different if their races were switched around simply due to stereotyping.


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