Saturday, March 8, 2014

Meet Lammily
I'm willing to bet a good number of us played with Barbies as children, as she is one of the largest (and longest-lasting) American pop-culture icons. However, many people have complained about the dolls as promoting an unrealistic standard of beauty.  This is becoming especially true as the average size of American women is increasing.  In response, Nikolai Lamm generated a CG version of what a more "realistic" Barbie doll would look like using the average measurements of a 19-year-old American woman, and the differences are striking.  Next to Lammily (the "average" doll), one can really tell how exaggerated Barbie's proportions are, even for high-paid supermodels.  Studies have concluded that if Barbie was a real woman, she would not be able to walk upright or house all the necessary internal organs, yet she is considered beautiful to the eyes of everyday children.  This is not healthy for them, as they will never be able to achieve these standards.
Lammily has been hailed by many as the savior to this widespread image crisis; being average-sized, brunette and wearing minimal makeup and sporty/everyday clothes, she is nearly an anti-Barbie.  However, this is not to say that she is considered by all to be the savior of the image crisis.  The creator says he would never promote an overweight doll because he wants to promote a "healthy" lifestyle, which may be reflected in Lammily's significant musculature.  Various people take offense at this, especially as the "average" size is on the rise.  Also, Lammily is distinctly Caucasian, which raises concern with people of various minorities.  Despite these limitations, Lammily is at least considered a step in the right direction, although it will be difficult to make her a concrete possibility; the creator will need sizable donations from willing sponsors.

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