Sunday, March 2, 2014

porn star at Duke

I thought this was an interesting article and related to the topic we discussed about how if women want to embrace their sexuality they should. The article is about a freshmen girl at Duke who is a pornstar. She basically says that it is her choice and she like it.

let me know what you guys think!


  1. i don't know if this is right but i see where it is her right and if this is her only way to pay for her education then i don't know there is anything we can do but i don't think this is something girls should be looking up to in order to make money. I'm not sure interesting concept! good post!

  2. My first thought is that this young girl isn't oppressing anyone by doing this, and she also isn't being oppressed by anyone into doing this. I would never encourage anyone to do this role, nor do I find it to be a very glamorous one, however I do not believe that this girl is hurting anyone by doing this.

  3. I don't think that she is hurting anyone by doing this, and I think it's very interesting that she's using the money that she makes to pay for a top quality education.


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