Sunday, March 30, 2014

No Make-Up Selfies?

I'm not sure about you guys, but I frequently see some of my Facebook friends posting "no make-up selfies" in order to supposedly raise awareness for cancer. Personally, I believe this is a lot like "slacktivism," where individuals jump on the most recent social media bandwagon in a lazy attempt to raise awareness for a cause. This particular article is written by a woman who survived cancer, who is appalled by this no make up selfie craze. As she explains, the battle with cancer can put a toll on your body, making one lose self-confidence in their physical appearance due to the medication and chemotherapy. I know when my mom at a battle with lupus, she said that the changes that can impact one's body over such a short period of time is extremely emotional. Yet the no make-up selfie campaign promotes women to take selfies without make-up on, almost insinuating that a woman without make-up on is at her absolute ugliest and comparable to a woman with cancer.

What is your opinion about this campaign? I already hate the stigma that wearing make-up puts on our society, and that women need to wear make-up to be gorgeous and that they look their absolute best when they are wearing make-up. Do you think the no make-up selfie actually promotes awareness or is just a chance for women to come out of their make-up covered shell and post a picture of who they REALLY are without fear of public backlash?


  1. WOW! I totally disagree with the insinuation that women with out makeup are comparable to people battling cancer. Cancer can totally transform a person and cause them to loose a lot of amazing facial features. Even with makeup, most of the time, their faces cant just be "covered up" with because it gets that bad. I havent seen any of these posts on facebook, but I know for a fact that I would not join in on this nonsense. I see that they are trying to make a statement and raise awareness but I dont think they are going about it in a good way.

  2. I don't wear make-up ever, so if I see someone without make-up I wouldn't think to ask her why she has none on. Most campaigns have an inquisitive nature to them which causes the public to ask a person why they are doing something. So I think their hearts are in the right place but they need to revisit the expression of their cause.


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