Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Parents Excuse to Why I couldnt "TURN UP" on Mardi Gras

Saturday was a big day for everyone in Saint Louis, it was the celebration of Mardi Gras. I asked my parents if I could go down town and to a few parties, of course their answer was no. The interesting part, was that my twin brother had asked earlier and they told him that he could. I have brought examples of this up in class, however this one was the craziest I had ever heard them say. This is what they said:

ME: "Can I go downtown for mardi gras and to a party?
MOM: "who are you going with?"
ME: "My roommates?"
DAD: "do you know that girls go down there, get drunk, act slutty, and walk around topless? I dont want you doing that.."
ME: "You basically just called me slutty.."
MOM: "Brenelle, your dad is right, maybe when you are older....

Lets just keep in mind that I am almost 19.. and I am in college. In high school they told me I couldnt go down town until I was in college, so im confused on why I had to miss out on the party.

This morning around 8am my brother walked in, and was obviously hung over. He clearly had a wonderful night and when he sobered up my parents were enjoying the stories that he had told them

Im just wondering, why do you think they told me no? Because im a "naive girl"?


  1. i wish i knew the answer to your question, but i don't. i do feel your pain though because i have two older brothers and they are constantly getting to do more things than me and get less worry from my parents. i don't know that there is any answer. good post!

  2. I'm not saying this is right, however I've seen young woman treated this way simply out of worry. It's not that the girl isn't trusted, it's that the parent (or anyone else trying to control them) doesn't trust the men out there. Men can have bad things done to them as well, but women can be the victim of terrible things such as the mob objectifying we observed in that video in class.

  3. I understand that parents are concerned about their child, but I always thought about if parents would have the same conversation or answer to a boy.


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