In a recently released collection of Disney Villain designer dolls, Ursula's representation has caused quite a stir. Not only have her trademark tentacles been replaced by a ruffled skirt, but she has lost 2/3 or more of her original body mass. This has brought into question the types of values Disney espouses, as this gives young girls the message that they must be thin to be pretty and widely accepted. When the villains were not the main characters, they tended to have physical flaws, but the moment they become the focus, suddenly all their "flaws" are magically swept away.
Many fans, such as the speaker of the poem above, have very strong feelings about this matter. Not only has Disney enforced a negative ideal on its young patrons, but has warped a well-beloved character beyond recognition. Ursula was powerful, strong and graceful not despite her weight, but because of it. Her character had real substance and was interesting. She was not supposed to be perfect and beautiful, that would not cause any unease properly due to the mighty Sea Witch. By reducing her to her looks, she has nearly joined ranks with the often-criticized princesses. Ursula was always one of my favorite characters, villain or not, so other opinions on this matter would interest me.
I can't believe how drastically they have changed her looks. It is bad enough that the overweight characters are always the villains of these movies without changing their appearances after the fact.
ReplyDeleteI hope people react to get this changed! Children are very much influenced by the toys they play with from a young age and with dolls continuing to portray unrealistic women i hope this changes!
ReplyDeleteyeah this poet's reaction due to the connection she felt when she was younger is just one instance that proves children are impacted by the toys!
ReplyDeleteIts sad. I know Ursula as being a BIG BOLD WOMEN. This doll is so inappropriate and I feel it teaches our young girls that BIG is Not BEAUTIFUL. I know plenty of women who have had gastric bypass surgery in order to conform to societies standard of beauty in a quick fashion. But, I don't think these women real think about the lessons they are teaching their young daughters. Just another subject I thought coincide with the topic.
ReplyDeleteWow this is terrible! The message that Disney is giving either way is that "big is bad" (and their message is always that "old is bad" too, ever noticed that??) he spoken word piece was really well done and well put. Ursala was one of my favorite characters growing up too, I loved the author's detailed descriptions of her movements and actions.