Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I did this as my show and tell, but thought of posting it on the blog because I think this is a problem that every women has to face after certain number of years of marriage. I feel like the society expects something out of a women throughout their life. I strongly disagree that there is a certain age for a girl to get married and then they should start thinking of having a baby 2 or 3 years after marriage. I don't understand that why the society cares about when a couple starts their family. This article does a beautiful job of describing a situation of what a women is asked after 6 years of marriage and her reaction. It also shows the cause and effect of how a women can be affected by these questions. Another fact that it mentioned was that no one should be concerned about asking these questions unless its your husband, immediate family, or best friend for 14 years. I hope that people learn from this article that you don't know what the women is going through and it is none of their business to comment on her personal life.


  1. I agree with a lot of what the article says in how it is the woman's choice when to get married and when to have a baby. There should not be a time clock placed on it. The only issue I have is that the people who should be concerned are "your husband, immediate family, or best friend for 14 years." Obviously the husband makes sense because both the husband and wife should agree on when they want to have a baby and discuss financial situations, etc. As someone who has been asked a million times about when I'm having a baby by her immediate family, I personally do not believe that immediate family nor best friends should be concerned with a woman's decision on when to have a baby. If anything, those societal pressures make me want to wait longer and longer to have a child for fear that I would not be having a baby for myself, but to appease my family...

  2. I think the same anti-pressuring should apply to dating too. I have been asked multiple times by multiple people if I have a boyfriend yet, and it makes me wonder what all the hype is actually about...

  3. I agree, I think that a woman should never be pressured or expected to have children. She is her own person and has the right to make that decision for herself. I also think it is problematic that women are expected to have kids right away because some women want to continue on with school and don't have the option to take care of a child at that time.


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