Sunday, April 6, 2014

Imagine a life were heterosexuality was quere
This video is a little long but amazing! Its about a young girl who is raised in a society where being homosexual is the norm. It shows her being threatened and beaten until one day she cant take it anymore. She gets beat up everyday, her mothers force her to be something shes not. It really made me think about what homosexuals go through on the regular. It is a hard life to live, not because of their actions but because of the actions of everyone around them. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual, God made us who we are.


  1. This is a very eyeopening video and I think it is good to put ourselves in other peoples shoes!

  2. How incredibly moving and tragic. I hope this video spreads because absolutely no one deserves to be treated how that little girl was.

  3. I watched this video at an anti-bullying event. The point of watching it there was very similar to it is here in showing how arbitrary the reasons behind bullying really are. It also helps to point out the link between social policing in schools and in broader society. Children are exposed to a definition of what is considered normal at a very early age, so it is no surprise that they begin policing early as well.

  4. This video definitely made me realize how sometimes it is important to put yourself in others shoes because we learn and realize much more that way instead of judging them from outside.


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