Sunday, April 6, 2014

Above is a description of the practice and origin of the "Slut Walk" which started in Toronto after a Police officer said a rape might not have happened if the victim was not dressed like a "slut". The idea is that women and men could march around the city one day dressed in clothing that is conventionally thought to be slutty, exposing the fact that rape is a crime of opportunity and not appearance. Do you guys think the slut walk is successful in raising awareness/getting the message across?

1 comment:

  1. I think every effort to raise awareness makes a difference, and it would be great if this organization gained more notice. It is bad enough that this stereotype exists, and is even worse that law enforcement agents, who are supposed to help victims, are shaming them. The theory used is also invariably flawed, as many victims of rape are not dressed "slutty," therefore the clothes excuse is horribly invalid.


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