Sunday, April 27, 2014

Feminism in Faith

In class this week somebody did a presentation about their paper that is going to be about women in the Catholic church. I think that this article is interesting, because it shows that women of all faiths are fighting for equality. I am not religious, and part of the reason for this is that I feel that women are very underrepresented in many faiths in general. I think that it sucks that so many women are forced to chose between their religion or equality. I also like that this article points out that it Islam is not the only religion that is repressive towards women. I think that oftentimes people forget that most religions subjugate women in some way or at the very least under represent their perspective. The article written about Zainah Anwar was very interesting, because it does a good job of saying what myths and stereotypes exist about Muslim women and why it is important that they lead the charge in their own movement. The part of the article that really stuck with me was about how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were justified in part by the Wests need to liberate muslim women, but as the author points out this oftentimes has made it more difficult to implement ideas of feminism since these wars caused a hatred of all things western.

1 comment:

  1. I know that recently women in the Baptist faith have become ordained ministers. In our faith most women basically were on the mother board, which keep the past aware of issues within the church and sat with their big pretty hats. Hope these newly ordained female ministers will be able to truly take an active role in the church.


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