This article talks about recent laws in Uganda that have made
it illegal for women to wear any clothing that might be construed as too
promiscuous. The law prohibits women from dressing “indecently”. This law has
caused men to feel entitled to correct those who are not following it, and has
caused widespread sexual harassment and assault. Men have begun to undress
women wearing miniskirts in the streets. The reaction by women has been to
protest and ask that other countries support them in their fight against this
oppressive law and the men who taken it into their own hands. This problem I
think plays really well into our discussion of rape culture, and it shows how
this problem isn’t just a societal problem in America, but worldwide. I cannot
believe that a country would actually put this into law, and by doing so they
have given men the license to regulate those who dress promiscuously. It makes
me sad that these women have to endure this sort of harassment and assault, and
that their country would support it.