Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dr. Daphne Brooks

After attending Dr. Daphne Brooks' lunch discussion today, there were many things that struck me.  The things that she talked about during lunch were completely fascinating, but more than anything, I walked away inspired by her life story and the way that she chooses to live her life.  From the moment she walked into the room, I was struck by her energy and her passion.  She went around the room, asking each person who they were, what there major was, etc, and she really cared.  But caring is not what made her so extraordinary. As we have discussed in class, many women are stereotyped as being caring in nurturing.  Dr. Brooks took the false dilemma that women can either be kind nurturers or aggressive bitches and stomped it into the ground.  She was fiery and intense while talking about the patriarchy that exists in rock music and lively and impassioned while discussing the gendered perceptions that exist in record evaluation in Rolling Stone magazine.  She was an amazing example of a confident and authentic woman.  She has not let society define who she is or who she should be but has totally and completely defined her life.

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