Sunday, February 2, 2014

That Awkward Moment (Minimal spoilers)

This weekend I saw Zac Ephron's new movie "That Awkward Moment" and I pleasantly surprised.  The movie was itself was actually pretty anti-climactic and predictable (and kind of stupid).  But, despite the way the movie was marketed, it wasn't terribly sexist.  The plot follows three guys living in New York in their quest to "hook up" but to still remain single in order for them to continue to have fun with each other.I was shocked at it's lack of female nudity (in fact, Zac Efron was shirtless more than anyone else in the film), and they don't actually talk about how the girls they hook up with look at all.  The awkward moment is when they girls they're with try to define the relationship and they have to let them know that there is no relationship.  Women aren't made fun of, or put down in this process, and I felt a certain honesty in it's portrayal of casual relationships. While there are no especially strong female characters, the point of the movie wasn't to make fun of, put down, objectify, or degrade women, and it was easy for me to watch.  It wasn't perfect in it's attempt, but I was able to enjoy watching it.

If anyone else saw the movie, let me know what you thought! I was happily surprised at how few (if any) "oh no" moments I have when movies like this make cheap and cliche jokes at the expense of women.


  1. I have really been wanting to see this movie, so I am glad it isn't terrible sexist! I look forward to seeing it!

  2. I would definitely have to see it, but I would be curious to see how the moment that the girls want to "define the relationship" goes. I think that it is fine if men want to casually hook up or if women want to casually hook up. The only problem that I have is that it is almost always portrayed that the women are looking for more and the men are using them for sex. I cannot think of the last time (if ever) I saw something where this was reversed. I just think that it points to a bigger systemic issue.

  3. I've been waiting for this to come out because Zac Efron is in it and he is so dreamy! Now I look forward to seeing it even more! Thanks for the post!


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