Sunday, February 16, 2014

Plastic Surgery

So I know Feminism is all about making sure no party or individual person is oppressed. There's many arguments that plastic surgery is wrong or just unnatural, however at the same time it may be viewed as a right of expression that feminism may support. I decided to look into it and it seems that feminists are rather divided on the issue. Some argue that plastic surgery is a freedom of expression and a women's, or a man's, right. On the other hand, many feminists state plastic surgery is too often used to conform to society's views on what's attractive or necessary. My personal opinion is that plastic surgery is morally justifiable if it's to done due to some sort of injury, and personally. I think that the person's goal should be to look as close to how they looked before the injury instead of creating a whole new image. I understand that sometimes a person's image is distorted due to outside sources but I don't really agree with the morality of someone 'trying to match their inner image', that alone with such things as sex changes just seems problematic. It's not really an issue in most situations, but there are situations where a man marries another man unknowingly for example due to a sex change and I find that to be the plastic surgery patient to be oppressing the man. There's many other examples, and I actually have an article to bring to class on the topic, but what are all of your thoughts?


  1. I agree that plastic surgery is a blessing on some situations, but it can also be bad if people are using it to fit in or conform to how society tells them they should look. On the point about sex changes, I feel like feminism would definitely support that, because it is allowing the person so express how they actually feel and what they think they should be. On the point that you made about a man marrying a man without knowing I feel like the sex change should be discussed or noticed by the other man before they got to the point in the relationship of actually getting married.

  2. I agree that it can be problematic in regards to sex changes and conforming to society's standards, but with situations like this I think Its important to think out of the box when trying to control the cons of the situation. I dont think it is fair for the man in the situation who is blind sided by marrying someone who had a sex change, but that doesnt necessarily mean we should just not allow sex changes (not that that is what your suggesting), perhaps there are more creative and fair for all ways of controlling that situation. But i agree, its a complicated topic

  3. in my opinion i think that plastic surgery is a personal right, of a man or a women. I think that if someone wants to undergo a surgery to make himself or herself feel better about themselves i say go for it! for example, if someone was born with a nose they hated their whole life, and they want to change it, who are we a society to stop them!

  4. Plastic surgery is a personal right even if it is to change one's image instead of preserving it, but the key is to understand the motivations for the action. If the surgery is being done based on societal pressure to look a certain way in order to conform to sexist societal norms, then there is a serious problem. On the other hand, if the surgery is done in a beneficial manner to the individual outside of these problems, then it is the acceptable from a feminist standpoint. It is also important to note that this decision can only be made by the individual receiving the surgery, because only they can know if it is right for them. If society compels one choice, even if it is for the right intentions, is a restriction on the rights of the individual.


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