Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's Your Favorite Position?

Double standards are everywhere, and women often have to face embarrassing and intrusive questions that men simply do not.  But getting over the shock that someone would even ask anyone in an interview what their favorite position is, I have to marvel at Lauren Conrad's response.

I will give myself a solid slap on the wrist and recognize that I was being a bad feminist for assuming that Lauren Conrad would acquiesce to this question and actually answer with her favorite sex position.  I most definitely negatively stereotyped this woman because she was a Laguna Beach Star and on the show often gave into many of the reasons that women are viewed negatively.  However, it is completely true that she took her career and made it her own.  She created her own clothing line and is in fact a CEO.  However, I do not doubt that most people would merely think of her as a sex object.  If a man had a sexualized role on a TV show and then became a powerful CEO, most people would think of him as the latter.  However, because women are so oversexualized, if a woman does this, people only think of her as the former.

So good for you Lauren Conrad! You proved me wrong and showed this man how audacious his question truly was.


  1. It's so unfortunate that interviewers actually feel like it's okay to ask someone what many people would consider to be a "private question" in such a casual manner. (Though if you feel comfortable answering it, good for you. If not, good for you as well.) They probably wouldn't do that to a man being interviewed.

  2. I have to agree with Kelly, it's really disappointing that so many female celebrities are asked what their favorite position is. This interview also reminded me of a press conference held after The Avengers was released; at this press conference, Scarlet Johansen was asked what kind of undergarments she wore with her Black Widow costume while RDJ was asked about the moral/philosophical implications of his role as Iron Man. She called the interviewer out on their shit, but was obviously very annoyed that she was asked about her underwear and not what her opinion on her role was.

  3. I love LC, this is interesting

  4. That is very upsetting that women are commonly asked that question. Her response was kick ass in my opinion! LC is great!!!

  5. I was very surprised and impressed when I heard about this; what an excellent way to respond! This really raises her in my esteem. I think it's good that female celebrities are snapping back and resisting this sort of behavior from the media.


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