Sunday, February 23, 2014

Oppressed Majority

Hey folks,

So here is the link to the French short film I showed in class last week. I meant to make a blog post about it but wasn't able to.

I think it brings up a lot of different challenges that many women must face at one time or another: marriage, children, expectations, cat-calling, harassment, rape, the uneasy feeling of not being safe, social expectations for clothing, etc.

The most disturbing aspect of the film was the interaction between the husband and wife at the end of the film, for me anyway. The interaction with the police woman was kind of expected, disappointing, but expected nonetheless. So too were the interactions with other people in the film. I found the interaction between the husband and wife to be so disturbing because of the kind of abuse, control, and manipulation that is implied. Though it was not explicitly shown, it can be assumed that this occurs.

Bringing it back to Egalia's daughters, it often perplexes me when I think about how easily everything could be the opposite than the way it is now. At what point in history did patriarchy set in?

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