Sunday, February 16, 2014

total frat move on feminism

above is a link to a pretty common website, visited for entertainment, i would relate it to websites like buzzfeed. In this article the author is strickly making fun of feminists. It begins by generalizing the group, but using an image of a women and basically saying this is what all feminists look like. next is a list of rude remarks that might be made to women by men. basically, the author is making fun of the whole feminist culture and activity by saying its "bull". overall, this article really irritated me because i think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and feminists shouldn' t be made fun of. this is embarrassing to the male gender, and it should really irk the feminists and other women who read it.


  1. I have to agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, of course so long as it doesn't oppress another. However I think the biggest thing that irritates men with the feminist culture is that there are sometimes hypocritical things said, or simple double standards. There of course are far more hypocritical standards from men opposed unto women, however I do feel the need to point out the hypocrisy here in your post. You say that the article "generalizes all feminists" however you later say "this is embarrassing to the male gender." I am not at all embarrassed by this post as I did not write it and believe I do not contribute to this misled mindset.

  2. I think mathew has raised a good point. It does seem a tad hyproctical at times, but that may be my privilege that is talking misinformation.

  3. Yeah thats an awesome point Matthew raised. Its easy when you get frustrated to generalize the people generalizing (I catch myself doing it all the time) but yeah it'll just become a cycle of general accusations if we don't catch ourselves doing the same thing.


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