Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chronic Bitch Face
This is an article from total sorority move and I read it the other week when I saw it on facebook, and didn't think anything of it besides that is was funny. However, after our talk in class on Thursday I realized that this is just re-entrenching those ideas that women always have to be smiling or happy and need to "show me a smile, babe" every time you pass a male stranger on the streets. I also think it is problematic that a site that is supposed to be about women is posting this because they shouldn't be posting this in a satirical manner, it should be more of a critical post of men and people who think women always need to look happy.


  1. I had a conversation with some friends about this earlier, when I described myself as having a chronic bitch face. My friend, challenged me with your point: "Why are you saying that? You're reinforcing the idea that women need to be smiling."

    It is so so so true and I am so glad he pointed it out, but it makes me wonder what people would say if I man walked around with a smile all the time? What-if any-stereotype would be attached to him?

  2. I think from time to time I have the bitch face. I can be walking and in deep thought about something that is not even negative and a passerby will say smile and its not that bad. To me I don't feel as I am exhibiting any facial expression at all.

  3. I think that this is an interesting point; when I first heard about this phenomenon, I just found it humorous, but now I agree that it is actually very revealing of our society's expectations of a woman's gendered performance.

  4. I completely agree that it is a problem that our society feels that women must constantly appear to be happy. I think that this can be traced back to the 1950's housewife stereotype that those women were always content and happy. Clearly we have learned in class that this was and is not the case today, so why is that we still feel that women should constantly present themselves as happy.


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